Why I don't Scrap Digi...
Poor neglected Bloggy blog

Stupid bleeping electronic thingies!!

So I decided not to be lazy and put some recent photos on my blog today...  For some strange reason (remember how I somehow break electronic things)  the computer will not recognise my camera!!!

So here is my entry without fun photos!!

the weather sucks!  HELLO!!  It's June, people!  It's so dark I've had the lights on all day, it's pouring off and on and it's sooooooooooo cold!!!!  I'm talking 12°C!!  This was Friday (insert adorable photo of boys bundled up in woolen hats and scarved) before leaving for school, June is not a month where you would normally wear wool, but hey that's what we are all doing...

Of course, that all said I'd rather this than a heat wave, but I wish for once we could have some 20-25°C weather for once...

Yesterday we almost had warmth!!  We didn't need coats but those wool sweaters were definitely on baby!!  We had a bit of sunshine so we headed to Montnach's natural reserve to see the orchids and the butterflies (insert fabulous photos here-I can say that they are fabulous because you can't see that they are just mediocre!!).  There is a 5km nature trail through the woods and it's so pretty with it's wobbly log bridges (insert photo) and earth steps (another photo) and woody secrets (one more photo).  The boys had fun looking out for slugs (don't worry mom since I can't post a photo you don't need to get all squimish) and insects...

Today's a holiday, but of course Matthieu is working anyway, just him and Eric.  I think Eric must be in a foul mood as Matthieu came home grumpy at lunch...

stay warm!
