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Cousin Sarah

Sarahjane Sarah was changing jobs and decided to take a month off between to come to tour around Europe.  We are so glad that she decided to take a few days to take a vacation from her vacation to visit us!  The boys adored her, I enjoyed her company sooo much and Matthieu tried to persuade her to buy the car he thinks is perfect for her. 

We went to the fair and out to eat on Saturday, but basically, she was just content to accompany us on our daily routines.  She was a bit tired of playing the tourist and the last thing she wanted to do was to see another pretty church ;)  It was perfect for me as well.  Often times when people come, I have to send them off to this destination or that and I only get to spend the evenings with them, in between visits to exciting places.  Since Sarah's been here before it was fine for her to just kick back and visit!!  We laughed like only Duggans can and she fit so easily into our daily lives, like only family can. Plus, it was so fun to have someone who wanted to look through my scrapbooks!  It's been since last November when someone else looked at my pages. 

There are a few photos of her teaching us all how to hoola hoop.  I put them in the Sarah album on the left. Philippe would put his arms in the air and yell 'more' and Matthieu would spin it around his waist.  The boys did really well and even I could do it on my hand, I'll try other spots once the baby comes ;) 

With her cute, funky haircut, the boys thought that she looked elfish.  Sarah thought this was great!  They had just seen the movie 'Arthur and the Minimoys' with a very elf like ,1000 year old, female character.  Jacques asked Sarah if she was 1000 years old :D  Here's a pic of Selenia from the movie and Sarah's version ;)Selenia Sasselenia Sarahasselenia
