Sometimes Crafty Inspiration Repeats Itself
How you can make your own Adventures in your Everyday Life

How Creating Everyday can Teach You Things about Yourself

I know I usually start with the handwritten bit, but this post was supposed to go up last week and the reason it didn't is actually the topic of this blog post.  

Huh?  Wait... what?
Let me back up.  

I participated in LOAD (layout a day) throughout February, it kept me busy and I tried to post last week but repeat technical hiccups and less time than usual due to LOAD won out and it didn't get posted.  I hate that I skipped a week, but if I could go back I wouldn't do it over.

That's right, I would go back and FAIL at posting my blog post again!

It made me look at why I failed and what LOAD, or more precisely why creating something everyday for a short period of time, is important.

I've done LOAD many many times and every single time I learn something new and I confirmed many other things about myself and about my style and I tell stories that I wouldn't have thought to tell otherwise.  So I guess, short story is: The result of creating something everyday is well worth the little sacrifices necessary to make the time to create everyday!

Now I've written about this before and the lessons I've learned, but I'm saying it again, because no matter what your creative outlet is, no matter what you are creating, taking a month and dedicating a bit of time to it everyday is important to your growth as a creative.


This month really confirmed that I ADORE working with paper! I learned this little trick from Debby Schuh:


Santa flips up and there's a pop-up camera underneath:


Fun, happy, pretty colours will always have a place on my pages, so will white and white space!



These are the stories I probably would have thought to tell if it ahdn't been for Lain's prompts. Thanks Lain!!




This month also reignited my love for long mixed alpha titles :D
