Have you jumped on the memory planner bandwagon?
June 10, 2015
I'm teaming up with Nancy again from Domesticraft and this time Francine from Callaloosoup is join in on the fun! We are going to be talking Memory Planners and all the fantastic joy they bring. Okay, maybe I get a little too excited when it comes to these planners, but they really do make me giddy :D
I'm pretty sure that Heidi Swapp came up with the term and idea of Memory Planners. She is where I heard it from first, anyway. It was during the Big Picture Classes Play! event. She did a presentation about her memory planner and she had me in tears, it was amazing! She talked about being able to go back a read little snippets of her life over the course of a year.
So what is Memory Planning anyway? Here's what Heidi has to say about it:
SO, if you haven’t noticed, Memory Planning is a “thing”! well, ok – so I call it “Memory Planning” because recording, planning and documenting in a planner is actually a very powerful and FUN way to keep memories! It’s actually kinda like memory multi-tasking because you are doing what you would do anyway: write down the stuff you have going on… (planning) along with stuff you need to do and remember… but also adding in some pretty embellishments and photos! It’s the perfect way to CAPTURE your EVERYDAY!
Needless to say, after her BPC presentation, I NEEDED to get myself one of her Memory Planners! But, they were only available in Michaels stores in the US, boo! I went on the message board for the Play! event and gushed about how good the event was but I also commented that it was disappointing that we couldn't get a memory planner after hearing Heidi rave about it. I may or may not have whined. ;) A sweet lady named Marie, offered to go to her local Michaels and pick up and then send me one! I jumped at her offer, how wonderfully sweet she is!
It arrived just before my birthday, so I decided to document the year from birthday to birthday (March 2, so I just started with March 1). It was simple to take the book apart and make it March to February.
Now, I would love to say that everyday, I wrote a little snippet of my day and that each month I was able to go back and add photos and pretty embellishments, but that's just not the case. I would often forget and then go back at the end of some months and add what I could from our family wall calendar.
Some months aren't even decorated and... I even have a few blank months. GASP!!
But, wait!
I do have 8 months FULL of little tidbits that I will treasure when my little one are all grown and gone. And that to me is beyond precious!! and that's just one year! I'm on my second year and still going strong recording our day to day lives so that I can look back later to see what life was really like back in 2015.
Please head on over to see what Nancy and Francine have to say about this wonderful hobby!