Choosing your One Little Word
December 18, 2015
I've been following along with Ali Edwards for many years now, as she guides people to choose a word for the year. This word will be an inspiration, motivation and bright spot that sums up what we want the coming year to bring us.
My word this year was DO. And I 'did'! I probably took the word a little too seriously because I DID a lot in 2015! And being reminded of my word 'DO' kept me motivated and energised to keep going and to keep DOing.
In 2016, I chose TREASURE.
I hummed and hawed and had a short list that contained words like cherish and delight, but I like TREASURE because it has a lot more in it that rang true for me. I chose this theme of words because I realised how fleeting my geeklings' childhood is. I really want to try and slow down, to enjoy and really relish in this wonderful time with them while they are small. TREASURE is a great word, because it's a noun and a verb, both meaning a variety of things. Plus, I LOVE the pirate feel of it. So I can totally bring it in to my work life as well.
This is what Ali has to say to newcomers to One Little Word about choosing a word:
Is this your first time hearing about One Little Word®? The premise is simple - choose a word to invite into your life for the coming year. You live with it. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities and no right or wrong way to approach the adventure. Sometimes words have come to me out of the blue and other years I've gone looking for what it was I most wanted to bring into my life. -Ali Edwards
This year was pretty easy for me to choose a word, I knew I wanted to cherish my geeklings more and really connect with them, so it was a quick hunt to find the right word that felt right to me :D
Two of my very talented friends, Richelle from and Olivia from and look what they made me.
Richelle turned Olive's brush lettering into a necklace! More info on these coming soon!
Have you done One Little Word before? What is your word for 2016? Please share in the comments what you want your word to do for you next year :D