My Dirty Little Christmas Secret
November 18, 2016
Let me tell you a secret.
I used to hate Christmas.
I really did.
Long ago, I used to love it. I used to anticipate it every year and actually annoyed people with how jolly and excited I got. I had jingle bells everywhere, on my keys, on my coat, and I sang carols off-key where ever I went.
Then, I had my own family, and I wanted to do everything and make it sooo much fun for my children. I wanted to do ALL the traditions. I wanted to deck the halls, go skating, trim the tree, stuff the stockings, make my own decorations, do December Daily, make homemade gifts and bake every cookie possible! PHEW!
For so many years, I over loaded my plate and I ended up dreading all the things I needed to do.
My to-do list my was enemy.
Then, I tried to scale back, but I ended up omitting so many wonderful tradtitions. I did only the bare minimum and my house wasn't even decorated because it was all just so overwhelming and I was a grumpy Grinch! I was Mary Steenburgen in One Magic Christmas.
Eventually, I did try to make an effort for my children, to make it wonderful for them. However, they ended up doing rushed crafts with a stressed out mama, or being plunked down in front of a Christmas movie, pleading with me come watch with them. Instead, I'd answer, ‘no, Mama’s too busy, sweetie!' I'd over compensate with too many toys that they never did play with. I know they could feel my stress and resentment towards the holiday and that’s not what Christmas should be like.
Have you been there, done that, and bought the reindeer antlers?
Stressful Decembers suck! Let's make it Merry and Bright again! If other women can learn from my experience, I'd love to help them ENJOY the Christmas season instead of simply surviving it. I want everyone to really celebrate the season, instead of only concentrating on getting it all done on time.
So over the last few years, I’ve changed things up, I’ve devised a system that is working for me. I’m deciding what is a priority, and what can be simplified, if not eliminated.
I'm that girl who annoys everyone with how much she loves Christmas again!
I made my to-do list, my friend. You know the fun friend who wears jingle bells at Christmas time, sneaks Bailey's into your coffees when your husbands aren't looking and not onlycomes over to help you wrap but brings treats and a fun holiday movie, too.
I re-discovered my joyful, childlike love of Christmas!
If you have struggled with getting everything done for Chirstmas, or even ended up like me, dreading it all, I'd love to help! I’ve put everything I've learned into a class for you, called Plan Your Christmas, so that you don’t have to take the long way round. You can simply plan a wonderful holiday season.
In the class, you will learn:
•Ideas for putting the magic back in Christmas
•How to make a doable list, and how to check it twice
•How to plan each day, so that it is calm and joyous
•How to look at your Christmas tasks, activities, and obligations with excitement and joy instead of resentment and dread
•Steps for achieving the mindset that Christmas doesn't have to be all have-tos and obligations
• Why it truly is important to decorate your Christmas planner
•How to decide what really matters to you and yours, to make Christmas merry and bright
•How to keep the "grinchy" feelings at bay as we get closer to the big day
•Tips and tricks to make sure next year will be even better
Come on over and have a look! If you have a Big Picture Classes Membership, then you canget started right away. If you don't ahve a membership already, you can start your free trial. It'll be long enough for you to finish my class!
See you there
Happy Planning