6 Easy Tips for Keeping Your Goals Top of Mind
The Importance of Finding Your Reset Button

Find out if you are Planning the Correct Way?

Is there a right way to plan? Of course there is! But you may be surprised at what the correct way actually is!


First, let me ask you this: 

Why do you plan?

Is it because playing with your planner and stickers makes you happy?

Is it because you love to be organised? Or need to be organised?

Is it because you love to collect planners?

Is to keep your children's activities straight?

Is it because of the planner community?

Is it because you get a little 'me time' out of your busy schedule to just play?

Is it a mix of all the above?

If you answered YES to any (or all) of these questions, then you are planning the correct way!

There is NO wrong way to plan. Sorry if I scared you there for a minute, I'm such a brat ;)

There are no rules and no one is keeping score. If you are happy with your planning then you are doing it right.

Planning has so many benefits. Maybe what works for you and makes you happy doesn't appeal to other planner girls and that's ok. Planning should relax you and it should be enjoyable.

*If you plan solely because you love buying the latest and greatest planner, that's fantastic.

*If your planner is free of stickers and colour and it's minimal, clean look makes you completely giddy because you keep on top of your schedule and are organised, that's fantastic too!

*If your planning lies somewhere in the middle of these two extremes and you are happy with it, then that's fantastic too!

As long as your type of planning makes you happy then keep on enjoying this fabulous hobby!

If there are things that don't exactly make you happy in your planning routine, things that you would like to improve upon, I have a bunch of fun classes that will help you.


If you are just beginning to plan, and find it completely overwhelming and just don't know where to start then try my Planner Newbie Cheat Sheet, it's FREE!:

Planner Newbie Cheat Sheet

or my Planner Noob class:

I'm a Planner Noob. Now What?


If you'd like to up your decorating game as well as get organised then check out my Planning Class

Planning Made Pretty Yet Practical

If you are looking to add a bit of fun and interest to your planner, check out my tutorials and technique classes:

Planner Clips


my FREE Take Along Memory Keeper class

and my YOUTUBE channel has a tonne of fun tutorials, including this one:

YouTube channel


And if you are ready to reach for the stars and make your wildest dreams come true, then join me in my Plan Your Dreams class:

Plan Your Dreams

I walk you step by step, from the dreaming all the way through the action step so that you are on your way to the life of your dreams!

Let me know in the comments which class you've taken and enjoyed, or let me know what class that you'd like to see.



