5 awesome cool things that you didn't know your Silhouette could do :D
April 06, 2015
1. Did you know that included in the free cutfiles that come with your Silhouette there is one to help you customise your control panel?
2. If you use scraps on your mat to cut out different colours for your design you can not only use up your scraps instead of a new sheet of cardstock, you can also cut all of the pieces at once so that you don't have to keep coming back to cut each individual colour.
cutfile from the Cut Shoppe
3. Have you noticed this funny little hole on your Silhouette? At first I thought it was just a place to hold the ratchet-y thing that you use to change the blade setting. but it just kept falling off and getting lost and then I may or may not have used my teeth to change the blade setting ;) Recently I found out that it actually is a built-in ratchet! Wow, do my teeth feel stupid ;)
4. Did you ever have a cutfile you loved but it was just a little too thick or too thin? Or maybe you wanted to mat it with another cut? I've tried to adjust images and text before by changing the size, but the dimensions were still too thick or thin. And when I tried to mat things this way the images or text didn't line up. I just discovered the Offset function! It's fantastic for making things the thickness you want or adding mats!
I love taking cutfiles from the Cut Shoppe and making them really big, but I find they get too thick, so I love to use the Offset function to thin them out and make them look their best.
5. I recently posted this layout where I used my Silhouette to make the holes for the stitching. I thought I could use one of the dotted lines in the Line Style function, but they were too 'dash-y' and I needed holes. A quick google search turned up a tutorial by Corri Garza that showed me how to run a text along the outside of my cutfile, a text with only periods that would then be just a bunch of circles.