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May 07, 2010


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That is WAAY cool! great job. :)


Just showed this to Owen and he wants to know when I'm going to try it. ;)


J'adoooooooore ce blog....
belles idees, mesdames...


Merci Steph! Il faut que tu le dire a tout le monde aussi ;o)
bisous Helen


That is totally amazing!!!

Stacy McFadden

That is SO cute!!

Miss Susan

SOOOOOOOO cool, what boy wouldn't adore it!!


That shirt is awesome. I think *I* want a robot shirt now.

Katie B

This is so cool!!!

Linda Rodriguez

This is SO cool, Cara!! Wow! I love that you took the pocket off and stitched it back on with the colored thread. SO fun. :)

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