Posted by Helen and Cara
Sunday was the 'Fête des Mères' here, i.e. French Mother's day (managing to be different to both Canada and the UK) So we thought for a change we'd post some things that our super kids made for us.
Over to Helen:
Tommy made me a lovely picture which now has pride of place in our bedroom.
But the gift that really melted that cold icy heart of mine was a little book about 'maman' with his pictures and some sentences that the teacher helped him write.
What made me burst with pride was this one " What I love doing with Mummy is... making things" :o) Love you Tom xx
Cara's turn ;)
Jacques made me this sweet necklace, he picked his favourite beads and placed them in the front.
Anthony's gift was inside this box he decorated, when I put it together there was a poem that he wrote that spells out my name. :D
Philippe's gift wasn't so much of a surprise, he's not very good at keeping secrets! He says it's only for picnics but I want to put in my new kitchen... if the renos ever end!
I'll throw Juliet's fimo necklace in here, since the boys in her class made them too. Besides these are good ideas for the end of the year teacher's gifts ;)
There were cards as well, and the littles recited poems, or at least most of them :D Oh and yes, I did wear both Jacques' and Juliet's necklaces on Sunday ;)