posted by Cara
I know Christmas seems a long way off, but it really wasn't that long ago. I usually have so many projects that I want to get done before the big day, but I never get around to finishing everything. I always say that I'll start earlier or work on it throughout the year, but I always end up leaving it until the last weeks before Christmas. This year was no different and I had a long project list. Some things got completed, others abandoned.
One project that I was going to make, come hell or high water, was Hector's stocking! I actually didn't realise that I needed to make him one until the middle of December. Our stockings are pretty time consuming. 10 years ago when I was a newlywed and wasn't allowed to work in France yet, all I did was sew! I made huge matching stockings for Matthieu and I, and then every child got a similar one for their first Christmas. I think maybe Jacques' was finished on time, and maybe Juliet, too, because she was due early December, so I did the main bits of hers before she was born, no, I'm pretty sure hers was lacking some finishing touches on Christmas Eve. Anthony's and Philippe's were not completed, I know that for sure. They were however, all put together and had their name on them :) All Santa needed so that he could fill it up.
So apparently, I subconsciously felt the need to carry on this slacker's tradition. I left it until the last day and realised midmorning that I didn't have a piece of stuffing large enough. It worked okay, however, I was able to piece some together. There's still a lot to go, more than the others, but it was together in time with his name on it. The paint was still wet when I went to bed ;)